The World Health Organization States

 Chiropractic care is safe and effective for the prevention and management of a number of health problems when employed skillfully and appropriately.




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Our Chiropractors are trained to provide the following therapies, often using several within one treatment session. Click on an intervention below to learn more including medical research.

Chiropractic Manipulation

Closeup of a chiropractor adjusting a senior patient's cervical spine (neck).

To restore spine and limb joint alignment and motion, effective treatment for many musculo-skeletal conditions.

Muscle Therapies


We use several techniques to relive knotts in muscles and reset muscle tone.

Exercise and Rehabilitation

Two attractive fit women running in sports clothes on treadmills in modern gym

We prescribe these to be done at home, in classes or the gym to aid rehabilitation or recovery. There are also demonstration videos to help you perform them acurately.



Also known as balance taping may help protect injured muscles and tendons and support sprained ligaments/joints.

Get The Treatment You Need Today

Same Day Appointments Available

Multi-Disciplinary Practice

Licensed Chiropractor

Emergency Appointments

Pain Management

Accident Injury Treatment

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